Veronica Cruz

Veronica Cruz is a Miami-based originally from Nicaragua. As a child, she was creative and lively, enjoying dancing, drawing, and playing with friends under the caring watch of her grandmother who introduced her to her own spirituality. Early on, Veronica experienced a curiosity in the human mind, human potential, design and businesses in General.

Veronica pursued a career in Interior Design, graduating from the Miami University of Art and Design. She worked for a decade in the industry, but ultimately felt unfulfilled in the corporate world. Later on, she created an opportunity for herself working as a consultant for Developers and Architects.

Her turning point came after enduring a burn-out in her profession and romatic relationships leading to anxiety attacks and a realization during the pandemic that she needed a change. She quit her corporate job following a significant epiphany aided by plant medicine therapy and personal growth workshops.

Veronica's life transformed as she embraced a path aligned with her values. She found support in healers and yoga teachers who guided her towards self-love, resilience, and living vibrantly. Her journey has also been enriched by her son Lucas Kain. She was deeply moved by her mother's survival from liver and kidney failure, and the support of loved ones through tough times.

In October 2023, she co-founded EPIPHANIES, offering services to help others find deeper connections, purpose and a strong sense of well-being. She is a certified yoga teacher and became life coach under the guidance of top-notch coaches  from mindvalley academy. finally living a life of purpose and gratitude .

Epiphany def : A moment of Sudden revelation or Insight.